
April 2004

April 4th 2004 - The first flowers came and the first "herbage from the Alps" too. Byron loves them very much. We smell on the flowers and eat up the "herbage from the Alps". Byron is again growing up - he stretches and scratches himself.


April 11th 2004 - Easter - rain, rain, rain - Unfortunately was the weather so bad, that we only could do on the Easter-weekend - to sleep!!!


April 13th 2004 - Visit by the veterinarian about health and HD check-up. The veterinarian was enthusiastic and Byron very tiered.


April 17th 2004 - The first wonderful Saturday, so we visited Claudia, Luna and Merlin. After the walk a comfortable and nice get-together. Byron found a bone in the garden, how tasty it was you can see on the  mouth - mhhhh! It was a wonderful afternoon!!


April 22nd 2004 - After winter-time the first bath. To get rubbed is funny but to be washed with water Byron gets behind Hera to hide. Hera is watching the situation with patience.


April 27th 2004 - There are some persons they mean that Byron is snobbish. We can't say this as you can see on the below photos - isn't it?!!!!



April 27th 2004 - Now it become warm and we can drink on the springs and we have also without snow fun.


April 29th 2004- We visited the Gut Aiderbichl, a well worth seeing place and we can only approve a visit there. Our Great Danes was exalted if it was a pork, a horse, a Pony, a cat or something else. There was only one question - how was behind or in front of the fence. More about Gut Aiderbichl on our links.

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