diary August 2004 August 7th 2004 - Summer is here. That means for Hera and Byron to sleep, to eat and to drink. To take a walk with both is only possible in the morning. When water drinking Hera shows a peculiarity. She puts the head up to the eyes into the water bucket and aspirates the water like an elephant. The ice coffee of Sabine however both would have gladly and in the grass to roll are also merry with the warmth.
August 14th 2004 - Something different: Photos of Byron's family
and some impressions from Hera and Byron
August 22nd 2004 - Byron's first international exhibition. The exhibition was inside so we let Hera at home and saved her this stress. The photos shows some impressions from the souvenir-shops, the funny times for our Great Danes, specially Byron until to dog hair dressing. The children may not be missing naturally, Byron loves them very much. A comment on the politicians and dog-laws we want to save now!!! Photos speaks more than words. More Information's in "exhibitions".
August 29th 2004 -After we feared for nearly one week of Hera's life and we prepared us for a valediction, our veterinarian found a medicine for her which brought us Hera back. It fell us a large stone from the heart, although we have to be prepared in her age. On Sunday we celebrated Evas birthday and Hera participated with fun. The smell clouds brought Hera such as Byron to enthusiasm, afterwards both were tired.